Friday, 10 August 2018

Badley made with ricotta cheese and pine nuts

Recipe for 4 people.
  • 200g of ricotta cheese
  • 100g of flour
  • 50g of sultanas
  • 50g of pine nuts
  • 80g of sugar
  • 50g of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 mL of milk
  • 1 orange with edible peel
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • a glass of rum
Time: 60 minutes + cooling time
Put the sultanas in cold water .
Put in a saucepan the milk with a pinch of salt, the butter.
Heat the saucepan until butter is blended and milk start to boil. Then lower the heat.
Put the flour in the saucepan and mix until flour doesn't attach to the wall of the saucepan (this is the hard part).
Then put in saucepan the eggs, 50g of sugar, the orange grated peel, the pine nuts, the ricotta cheese, the dried sultanas and the glass of rum.
Mix all together.
Use the oil to fry small amounts of the dough (teaspoon size or little more).
Eat mild-cold.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Fried cream with almonds

Time: 75 minutes
Ingredients (4 people):
  • 100 g of flour
  • 100 g of small pieces of almonds
  • 90 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • half lemon peel
  • bread crumbs
  • 0.5 L of milk
  • olive oil
Separate the yolks from the egg whites.
Mix the egg yolks with the sugar with a whisk, add the flour and the chopped lemon peel.
Slowly add the milk, stirring.
Cook the cream obtained over low heat, stirring, remove from the heat as soon as it starts to boil.
Now the cream is solid enough to work it on a plane.
Oil the plan to prevent it from sticking, spread it over the cream and let it cool.
Cut the cream into rhombuses (or other figures that you like).
Put the breadcrumbs and egg whites in a bowl with almonds and mix them.
Dip the turbot in the egg whites, take them out and fry them in oil.
When they are golden, remove them from the oil.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Chicken thighs with tomato sauce

Time: 30 minutes
  •  4 Chicken thighs
  • 1 spoon of chiked carrots and onions
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 3 spoons of tomato sauce
  • chives
  • salt
  • oil
In a large saucepan fry the pieces of carrots and onions with oil, you may ad water to create an uniform layer before frying.
Then add the chicken thighs, add a glass of water, chives and the lass of wine.
Cook for 15 minutes, then add 3 spoons of tomato souce.
Cook for another 15 minutes or more as you like the chicken, if the chiken tend to be dry, add water or wine.

You are free to add whatever you want for example I added peas and carrots in the picture.